Part of the celebrations included seeing my favorite, favorite band The Hold Steady play in the Southside last night. (Disclaimer: My favoritism in no way diminishes the love I have for Pittsburgh band Big Hurry. They are awesome.) Anyways, The Artist and I went to this show, which was appropriate because she's who introduced the Hold Steady to me in the first place. The artist also has a great talent for working her way through crowds at shows, and so I found myself right in front of the stage jumping up and down like a 16 year old at a Good Charlotte concert, and screaming along to Craig Finn. My neck this morning is incredibly stiff as a result of this.

I love them a lot.
Tonight I celebrate my birthday in Pittsburgh, with more margaritas naturally, because tomorrow I leave to go to Toronto for the weekend! Precisely, the Lady of Leisure and I will be roadtripping up to Canada for a weekend of brunch, and partying with University of Toronto grad students. I still haven't packed surprise surprise, and really don't know what to bring, so I asked Google "What should I wear to attract cute Canadian Graduate Students"? And Google had nothing. Internet fail.
Finally, this is perhaps exacerbated by recognizing my being older, but I'm becoming more and more convinced that I've grown. As in gotten taller over the past month. It started when I seemed to be hearing a lot more comments than usual on "my height". I'm certainly not short, and wear heels a lot, but 5 foot 6-and-a-half isn't exactly Cindy Crawford height either. I think actually, it's pretty average. But then, last week I tried on a pair of pants I hadn't worn in months and they were way too short! Like inches too short! They looked ridiculous. And this morning, while I was at the ATM, it seemed like my vantage point was higher than usual, and I was wearing flats! And no, I haven't just measured myself to see because I'm mostly thinking "Who on earth grows taller when they're 22?!?"
Cash money concert last night - sorry we didn't get to catch up, but I know for a fact we screamed along together in unison.
ReplyDeleteMy State counterpart asked me this morning what happened to my voice, and if I was getting sick.