When Precisely and I found ourselves both gainfully employed, we went out for dinner to toast the fact that we were both officially yuppies. We had a great meal, and played the game where if we have a cute waiter, we both flirt with him, and whoever he flirts back with has to leave their card. I won. He never called.
Upon deciding to live together we delighted in the fact that we'd no longer just be young urban professionals, but D.I.N.Ks or duel income no kids. Even though we're not quite roomates, we've wasted no time in transitioning into the DINK lifestyle, and so this past weekend we went to Miami. We went because we can, and becasue we work hard, and because Pittsburgh has been so cold, but it's January, so rather than whine about it, we just left.
And it was perfect.

I lay on the beach. I read 4 magazines and caught up on my googlereader, we ate brunch at a fancy hotel we could never afford to stay at and watched rich people hang out at the pool in expensive athletic gear. We marveled at the number of sweaters tied around shoulders we saw. (Didn't that trend go out in the 90's???) We got slammed with an $80 bill after only 4 cocktails.
We volunteered on vacation.
And marveled at the rows of SouthBeach trinkets for sale.

snow globe anyone?
We also decided that when we retire we will buy an old hotel, and renovate it, but rather than rent out the rooms, we'll keep them on hand to house family and friends when they come to visit. Then we will turn half the ground floor into a Southbeach Steelers bar, and the other half into a gift shop where we will sell phenomenal chotchkies.
Rested, tanned, and thoroughly over-leisured, we peaced out of Southbeach and came back to our real lives in Pittsburgh.
Great break move. These are important in the long Pgh winter months - esp when the Steelers season is over. Lizzard and I gave each other a trip to New Orleans for Christmas - but decided to take it on March 1st, so as to have something to look forward to after the awesome Holidays, Steelers, etc...
ReplyDeleteGood call on the DINK - is that an actual term, or just another "First World Problem" like saying?
haha, DINK is an actual term. I think I first ran across it in an article on gentrification. (DINKS love gentrification).
ReplyDeleteMarch is a good time to escape also. When you come back, spring will be so much closer! Have a blast in New Orleans, I've yet to go there, but have heard awesome things.