Here's what you need to do to survive a state of emergency snow day.
1. Make good decisions like choosing to live a block away from your neighborhood pub, so that you can enjoy pitchers of Yuengling even during a blizzard.
2. Keep your laptop/iphone/other lines of communication plugged in and fully charged so that in the case of lost power, you still have the internet.
3. When friends ask if you if they can come over because they're bored respond "Yes! But bring supplies i.e. wine and movies."
4. Two words: girly magazines.
5. Craft! The goal of sewing 200 tote bags out of old t-shirts as goody bags for an upcoming party is an excellent way to spend a day trapped inside.
6. Do all that stuff you always mean to get around to but never do like synching your iphone, painting your nails, giving yourself a facial, doing your laundry, etc.
7. Steal your roommates electric blanket.
8. Spend guilt-free hours on craigslist, texts from last night, apartment therapy, and all of those other websites you can't really justify being on while at work.
9. Make Belgian Waffles. 'nuff said.
10. Discover the BBC version of Gossip Girl; Skins. Even more outrageous than it's new york counterpart, and they're British! Also, the kid from About a Boy is in it...and he's hot now!
11. Enjoy the news. I don't remember the last time weathermen got to be this excited. Check out this guy from Baltimore.
12. Amaze yourself at your culinary creativity since the night before snowmageddon, you did not go to the grocery store for bread, milk, and toilet paper, but instead went to yoga, and now are stuck with a fridge containing cheese, avocado, eggs, and couscous.
13. Clean. Or, think about cleaning, then decide to do something else that involves less getting off the couch.
I agree with #8! I spend so much time on TFLN, www.pleasedontforward.com, awkwardfamilyphotos.com etc!