Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The First Run

The first run outdoors after taking it easy, and utilizing a treadmill indoors, is both a shock to your system and a wonderfully uplifting and exhilarating experience.

I'm registered for the Pittsburgh Marathon, which is a mere 3 months away, with some trips to Haiti and Italy thrown into that time, so I really need to get my weekly mileage up if I'm going to complete that New Year's Resolution of a faster time, and you know, not cause myself any irreparable harm in the process.

Anyway, yesterday was my first outside run, and it was lovely.  Yesterday was also the first practice of Girls on the Run, which I am thrilled to be an assistant coach for again this year.  If you don't have any 8-10 year old girls in your life right now, I suggest you find some, because they are just delightful.  Last night they taught me that high-fiving is not cool, and proceeded to fist bump before continuing their laps around the gym.

At the end of the night their parents came to pick them up, and the 3 of us coaches zipped up our jackets, walked out of the gym, and then proceeded to run off in 3 different directions to get home.

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